Monday, August 11, 2014

Birthday Party Fun

Successful Prepping


On Friday I blogged about how I am focusing on regaining my mornings so that I can better set my mood for each day. The three main components of this that I need to focus on are: 

1. Prepping the night before
2. Waking up before the kids do
3. Establishing a morning routine

I did really well with getting up and getting going on Friday morning, and it really did help me to get a great start to my mood and my day. So to keep the ball rolling on my successful mornings, I spent a decent amount of time Friday night prepping for Saturday morning. Because Saturday was Cavin's birthday party, I had an extra long prep list that included getting decorations and such ready, and making sure the apartment was clean for any visitors we might have after the party. I made my to do list and managed to cross off almost every item on it. I was able to go to sleep that night completely unstressed because I knew I was prepared for the next day! In fact, when my alarm went off at 6am Saturday morning, I turned it off and let myself fall back asleep. I knew that I'd done so much the night before to prepare for the day, that there really wasn't any reason for me to be up early that day. So I gave myself an extra half hour of sleep before I had to be up with Cavin. And it was an awesome feeling! 

Birthday Party Fun!


Cavin's fourth birthday party was on Saturday, and I still can't get over how happy I was at the turnout we had! We had so much family that was able to come, even though most of them had to drive two hours to be there! We are so grateful to everyone who made the effort to come and hang out with us for his birthday. Cavin had so much fun that he didn't want to leave. So thank you every body! I'm still waiting on pictures from the party, but once I have them I'll be posting them on my personal Facebook, and I'll throw a few on here as well.

We've spent the rest of the weekend working on all of the Lego sets he got for his birthday, and there are still several sets we haven't had the time to build yet! Cavin is loving all of his new sets, and Casey and I are actually having a lot of fun helping him build them. 

We ended Saturday by an awesomely successful shopping trip to Target. I love shopping when I save almost as much (if not more!) than what I spent. And the best part was that we used the gift cards we earned on that trip to buy ourselves some Starbucks! I love being able to save money in some areas so that we can spoil ourselves a little once in a while. I might post a break down of that trip later, just because we scored some really good deals!

My scheduling and routines have been thrown off because it is the weekend, but we've been enjoying spending time together as a family, playing and relaxing. I am hoping to get back on track with my morning routines tomorrow morning, because I know that I'll start falling behind on some things if I don't. The pile of dishes in the kitchen are an indicator that I'm already falling behind a little! But I know they'll still be there tomorrow, and for now, I'm going to enjoy today!

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